Seasons Come and Seasons Go

Change. I can certainly say I've seen my fair share of it. Every September since 2020 I have either moved into a new home, or relocated across the country. Almost every time I also had to switch jobs, finding temporary or permanent work in the midst of packing, unpacking, and repacking. Now it's September 2024 and I find myself settled into my home, wondering what changes might be headed my way.

As I wonder, I've been reflecting on life a lot lately. More than I normally do. I read Briefly Perfectly Human by Alua Arthur after it was recommended to me by a friend and colleague. I highly recommend it as well, though it may be difficult to read (or helpful) if you are grieving the loss of a loved one. Without giving too much away, Arthur is a trained Death Doula who assists families with end-of-life planning and support.

You can see now why this book would have me deep-thinking about life. The book wasn't morbid, though. Instead, it was an honest invitation for me to consider my own views of death and what sort of decisions I am making so I can live the life I want to live. As Arthur reflected upon her own career path, it had me thinking about what I wanted for mine. I've always been interested in the idea of starting a business and being an author, but neither of those seemed like actual career paths I could explore until I read this book. Why not? Why can't I make a career out of what I love? It's what led me to pick up the next book.

I began reading We Should All Be Millionaires by Rachel Rodgers probably hours after I finished Arthur's book. While Briefly Perfectly Human focuses on making the most of life in general, We Should All Be Millionaires focuses on making the most of life through our work. In her book, Rachel Rodgers offers a guide to women, people of color, and the LGBTQIA+ community for building both wealth and our sense of dignity, so that we can all have access to the lives we want and deserve.

The two books complimented each other beautifully, sending me back to that question, "Why not?" Why not write? Why not turn my passions and natural abilities into my actual job? If I want to work from home as my own boss, based on a schedule I create, doing things that energize me and benefit my community, why wouldn't I begin making the changes that will eventually get me there? The journey has to start some time. Why not now?

So that's what I'm doing. I'm launching a website, relaunching my blog, and starting my official practice as a writer and spiritual director. While my September changes this year might not look so big on the outside, they certainly aren't small. On the inside, these changes show me that I finally believe in myself. I finally have the confidence to do things I never thought I could do or was worthy to do.

In this way, I'm glad for the change of seasons. Goodbye, season of self-doubt. Hello, season of endless possibilities.

What about you: What season are you leaving? What season are you entering?

Read about Arthur, her work, and her book here. Read about Rodgers, her work, and book here. Check out my new website and spiritual direction ministry here.

Wishing you all the best, always.
